What’s happening on (and above) the Grand Canal

If it has to move into, out of, or across Venice, then it’s probably moving by boat.

Our apartment has three big windows that overlook the Grand Canal, making it a great place to sit and watch the world float by (something Maureen has been doing a lot of, since she’s been stuck indoors for the past couple days with malaria from all the mosquitos I let in through the open windows–or maybe it’s just a bad cold). Check out the photo gallery below for a peek at just some of the many different kinds of boats we saw this morning.

Click any photo for larger view and description.

One thing that can slow down the canal traffic at least a little bit is rain. We’ve had afternoon thunderstorms the past couple of days, which you can get a glimpse of in the following 1-minute video also shot from our window. Not much lightning from this angle, but lots of dark, swirly clouds.