There’s no place like home

Um, so sorry we missed your birthday America. And maybe this is an awkward time to tell you that we’ve kinda been seeing other countries for a couple months. But you really look great, and it just feels so natural to be with you again. P.S., Got any decent beer in the fridge?

Heroes of Paris

Paris is a city that knows how to honor its heroes. From Napoleon’s mammoth tomb, to Charles De Gaulle’s sprawling airport, to Gustave Eiffel’s gargantuan tower (which is not only named after old Gus himself, but is also engraved with the names of dozens of French scientists and mathematicians) this is a place that celebrates …

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Q. When is a muffin not a muffin?

A. When it’s a financier. I’m in line at Eric sweet-mother-of-heaven-that-tastes-incredible Kayser this morning, mulling over the vast array of calorie bombs, when the gentleman in front of me steps to the counter and says in a booming Texas accent: “I’ll have wunna them chocolate muffins.” The sales clerk’s already icy expression chills by a …

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